'' Radioactive cloud'' video demo
Interactive route with joystick
Made: unity 5, camtasia studio 8,adobe premiere cs6.
May 2015
The radioactive cloud that had swept away
Hiroshima and Chernobyl,
was my inspiration to
create this motor
and sound environment, whichr eminds us the ecological destruction with a more
visual way.
Video: Maria Curie and her two loves
Created: unity 5,camtasia studio 8,adobe premierecs6, June 2015
Through an investigation for
the properties of radioactivity,
I gathered information on the benefactor of the molecule radium,
Marie Curie, a Polish-born chemist and an acclaimed Nobell aureate.
She had two loves, the chemistry laboratory and the gardens.
In my effort to narrate the life of this great woman,
I ended up in following video
Video: Crisis-Recovery
Created: unity 5,camtasia studio 8, adobe premiere cs6,
June 2016
Video for: free zone programm Ert3, Greece
We are going through a route, at the time of the economic crisis, where everything is fluid, and the development comes at a very slow pace.
At this point, there it is necessary to change and recover the lost internal power. Life is a wheel, and the butterfly pretends that this game of malice ends. I hope that recovery and prosperity will come again to our country.